# landing pages wordpress- thrive themes review

You won't believe what this new plugin can do... (Time Sensitive!)

This "Conversion Bundle" Plugin is Amazing... Take a Look

A Better Solution for Building High-Converting Landing Pages (& More...)

Landing Pages to Validate Your Business & Grow Your Mailing List

Every online business needs a larger mailing list. That’s why we provide you with dozens of optimized landing pages you can use to present your free offers and grow your mailing list. Many successful startups began with a simple landing page to get leads and validate their business idea. That’s exactly the kind of page you can create with Thrive Architect, in record time!

Create Sales Pages that Make You Look Like a Copywriting Pro

Sales pages are the bane of WordPress users. If you’ve ever tried to build a sales page using the WordPress editor, you know for sure that it wasn’t made to build the kind of layout you need on a sales page. And never mind the layout, what about the copy!? Fear no more, Thrive Architect comes with everything you need to build stunning sales pages. And what’s more, we’ve even included tutorialized sales page templates that make copywriting fill-in-the-blank easy.

Create Sales Pages that Make You Look Like a Copywriting Pro

Sales pages are the bane of WordPress users. If you’ve ever tried to build a sales page using the WordPress editor, you know for sure that it wasn’t made to build the kind of layout you need on a sales page. And never mind the layout, what about the copy!? Fear no more, Thrive Architect comes with everything you need to build stunning sales pages. And what’s more, we’ve even included tutorialized sales page templates that make copywriting fill-in-the-blank easy.

Webinar Pages, Product Launch Pages & More…

Whatever your marketing strategy, we’ve got a suitable set of pages for you. You can easily build all the pages you need to announce, get leads for and host a live webinar event. We’ve also made it easier than ever to create a professional-looking product launch sequence to help get your next business off the ground.

If you use WordPress and you'd like to grow your online business, there's something you need to see today.

If you're in a rush, go straight here

There are 2 things here that are really important. The first is about landing pages.                         

A landing page is basically a page that has one and only one purpose: to convert as many visitors as possible into subscribers for your email list or customers for your business.

Ideally, it's a focused, completely distraction-free page that's designed to increase conversions as much as possible, so you get the most out of any traffic that hits this page.

And here's a plugin that lets you create pages just like that, in minutes (if not seconds):

The second important thing is the "2-step" opt-in process. You may have heard about this in the past few months: studies have shown that a 2-step process can increase the conversion rate significantly.

Here's how it works: instead of presenting your visitor with a page that has a visible opt-in form on it, you show them a page with just a button. Once they click the button, an opt-in form instantly appears (no page reloads) and only then do you ask them for the email address.

In some cases, just switching from the "old" 1-step opt-in process to a 2-step process can make your mailing list grow faster, instantly.

And this same plugin is also the best 2-step opt-in plugin I've ever seen. Check it out.

Now, please keep in mind that this link is time-sensitive. Go there now and see for yourself.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you, if you miss out on this. ;-)

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